A Year of Magical Living with Imogen Roy


How did I arrive at A Year of Magical Living? 

Every year I pick three words to guide my actions for the next 12 months. And in 2021, one of those words is Magic. What that means for me is that every day I choose to consciously bring my attention, and use my energy and the power of my habits, to notice, witness, and proactively create magical experiences in my life.

Everyday magic. 

What do I mean by magic? A Year of Magical Living is simply about bringing attention to the magic of life as a human on Earth. Everything about our vast universe is so fantastical that it is a miracle just to be here. There is magic everywhere if we choose to notice it. 

As your world gets smaller, take this opportunity to cultivate big magic. This unscripted, unedited podcast series offers reverence to the mundane magic dormant within us.

There will be at least three main types of episodes:

1. Practical Magic

The first will be doing magic episodes where I will share practical tools and recipes on how to inject more magic into your everyday routines using your energy, attention, desires, and visions to make you feel more connected, powerful, and playful. 

2. Seeing Magic

Second, there will be seeing magic episodes celebrating some of the wonderful magical wonders of our natural world and our physical bodies. These might be scientific histories, interesting facts, or insights that I want to share with you because they have inspired me. We often forget that we ourselves are magic, and there are miraculous parts of us that deserve to be honored. There are also miraculous processes happening in our world that we take for granted that deserve our precise attention. 

3. How to Live More Magically

Finally, the third type of episode will be Q&A episodes where I will give answers to specific questions that you ask me. You can write to me on social media, through email, or here on the website, about how to live more magically in our current circumstances.

My intention with this endeavor is that through practicing the art of magical living, we can claim our own narrative about this strange time in history. It feels so intense now, but this too will pass. I think it's important to keep in mind that someday this will be over and there will be better times coming. But while we're waiting for that bright future to arrive, we might do well to choose to see, feel and experience the magic that's already in each and every one of us. 

Thank you for trusting me with your time, attention, and loving ears as we begin this journey together.

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Practical Magic | How to Keep A Magical Journal