Practical Magic | 7 Sacred Types of Rest
Did you know there are 7 essential categories of rest, other than sleeping? Let's explore them all, plus I share one tool to practice each one.

Practical Magic | 5 Habits That Made 2021 Magical
Looking back on nearly one year of Magical Living, I share the top 5 habits that made 2021 feel extra magical for me.

Practical Magic | Choose 3 Words to Guide Your Year
More effective than resolutions, more practical than goals, #my3words is a framework to be productive with purpose. I share my own experience with choosing 3 words every year since 2019, tips to choose your own and reveal one of my 2022 words.

Practical Magic | The Art of Active Waiting
Have you made less progress towards your goals than you'd like? Instead of beating yourself up, understand that you have probably been mastering the art of 'Active Waiting'.
There's a big difference between having something and being able to actually hold it. I offer an encouraging reframe for why slow and steady is the best kind of success.

Practical Magic | A Shame-Free Year in Review
If there's one gift I recommend you give yourself before New Year, it's this one. I share my 6-step method for a holistic and shame-free annual review of your life, work or business, and how to harness the sometimes uncomfortable emotions that arise as a welcome and useful part of the process.

Practical Magic | How to Define Success For Yourself
How much have the past 18 months changed you? Does 'success' mean something different for you now? Let me take you through a tool for how to cast a new vision for your life.

Practical Magic | How I Took a 1-Month Break From Work
My biggest commitment yet to magical living was to proactively make space for magic...by taking a 1-month break from regular life. In this episode, I share how I designed my life and work to make that possible and what I learned from the experience. (Hint: I still want to work, but differently).

Practical Magic | How to Navigate Changing Seasons
Shifting from Summer to Autumn isn't as seamless as putting the sandals away and pulling out the cosy socks. As the balance of light and dark changes, so do we – on a bodily, emotional and spiritual level.
To help you transition with ease and intention, I share practical tools for I've how to align and flow into Autumn.

Seeing Magic | Menstrual Cycle Magic
When you align your daily life with the internal 'seasons' of your menstrual cycle, you can make magic. In this episode, meet the 4 guardians of each phase of your monthly cycle and learn possibilities for how to work with their gifts and challenges.

Practical Magic | How to Make Aligned Decisions
Overwhelmed by too many options? This 2-question decision-making tool honours both rational logic and body-based intuition so you can make decisions from a place of calm alignment.

Seeing Magic | Be More Scientist
In science, ignorance and failure are not weaknesses to overcome but essential ingredients for success. In this episode, I share ideas for how we can borrow from the scientific method to enrich our business and careers.

Practical Magic | Everything Has Its Season
How to use the archetypal energies of the seasons as a natural prioritisation system for planning and goal-setting.

Practical Magic | How To Be More Present
We all value presence, but how does it actually work? In this episode, I break down the dynamics of different states of attention so we can show up more connected, more satisfied, improve our memories and enrich all our relationships.

Practical Magic | Soothe Your Inner Child, Unblock Resistance
What if your resistance is absolutely legitimate? All children need to feel safe, approved of and protected by boundaries and healthy limits...including our Inner Child. This simple tool will help you hear what your Inner Child wants from you today. Unblock resistance that's holding you back from making bold, grown-up moves in life and business.

Practical Magic | 41 Ways to Take a Truly Restorative Break
"I don't even know how to relax!" is a common refrain. So with the help of The Nap Ministry, here are 41 concrete and free ways to take truly restorative rest in your life.

Practical Magic | A Simple and Powerful Tool to Become More Embodied
We all know we live too much in our heads, but how to shift the habit? Let me share a powerfully simple 2-question practice to start your day from a place of embodiment, not stress. When our mind and body are working as a team rather than against one another, magical living becomes effortless.

Practical Magic | How I Ended a Cycle of Languishing
Adam Grant calls 'languishing' the dominant emotion of 2021. In this episode, I share my own experience with languishing this spring, and what helped me end the cycle.

Practical Magic | 5 Ways to Gently Unblock Resistance
Resistance is a very natural part of the human experience, yet we tend to be very unimaginative when dealing with it.
Tired of 'crushing' it or hiding from it? Here are 5 gentle ways to unblock resistance.

Q&A | Boundaries
Are you frustrated by ways of working that drain your energy, yet you feel powerless to change them? This episode is for you.
I share an A to a Listener's Q about context-switching, client expectations and not feeling in control.
Listen to hear a few practical ideas for managing your energy well – even when you can't control 100% of your working environment.

Practical Magic | The Could-Do List
We are cyclical beings with inconsistent moods and energy – not all time is created equal. This is why we need non-linear tools and strategies to stay organised and productive.
Enter: The Could-Do List.
It's an alternative to the To-Do List that supports you to practice the concept of "right timing" so you can stay in your flow – no matter how inconsistent your mood is.