Practical Magic | Use Everything
Can you imagine how magical you'd feel if you had the power to use even your darkest moods and moments as a source of energy and as your compass?
Magical living isn't about aspiring to a life that's 100% sunshine and rainbows. It IS about harnessing the full spectrum of the human experience, like sadness, low energy, you can use everything you have.
Practical Magic | Shake It Off
Stress may begin in your mind but it lives in the body. And it lives on, and on, an on...until you shake it off.
When we can remember our most primal instinct for dealing with stress, we can make peace with our body and break free of harmful patterns of tension and agitation.
Seeing Magic | Make Hay While The Sun Shines
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that the arrival of Spring is pure magic. But what is even more magical is remembering that this exact same miracle of transformation happens inside us too all the time.
Practical Magic | Energy Raising
If I had to recommend just one practical recipe for injecting a sense of power into your life, it's this one.
When you flip the script of treating the activities and experiences that energise you as 'rewards' and instead see them as essentials, you break the cycle of running on empty.
Practical Magic | The Ultradian Healing Break
The Ultradian Rhythm is such a big part of the human experience and yet, so few of us understand how it works and how it impacts us.
Integrating this simple practice can transform your resources of personal energy, elevate your creativity and make a truly magical difference in your life.
Practical Magic | The Inner Mentor Visualisation
No matter how unsettled or uprooted we feel, it's important to remember that inside of you is one who knows, and that knowing is deeply rooted and ever-present – if only you can access it.
I feel like I'm about to let you in on a precious secret because the Inner Mentor has been one of the most profound sources of guidance and wisdom for me. Perhaps they shall be for you too.
Practical Magic | The Lockdown Artist's Date
Are you struggling to sleep at night, desperately scrolling through Instagram hoping for that hit of inspiration that's going to make you feel alive?
Does your everyday life feel flat and dull and lacking vision?
Consider that your Inner Artist might be starving. Here's a magical tool to feed and nurture this essential part of you during lockdown.
Seeing Magic | The Hot Mess of Transformation
Deep metamorphosis or creation of any kind is by nature slow, complex...and absolutely awe-inspiring. By sharing an example from our natural world, I invite you to develop reverence for your own process.
Practical Magic | An Alchemical Recipe for Confidence
Where do you think confidence comes from? I believe that confidence is the outcome of two subtle internal and external processes. Let me share the magic recipe with you...
Practical Magic | How to Keep A Magical Journal
The first principle of magical living is not forgetting. Here are a few ideas on how to use a regular journaling practice to record your own magical process of realising your immaterial intentions and desires on the material plane.
A Year of Magical Living with Imogen Roy
As your world gets smaller, take this opportunity to cultivate big magic. This unscripted, unedited podcast series offers reverence to the mundane magic dormant within us.