
Does your ‘To-Do’ list create more angst than action in your day? Time to toss it and try something new…

Introducing…The ‘Could-Do List’

A free tool to match your next task to suit the mood or energy state you’re currently in, or ideally want to create. 

Download your copy of the Trello template here:

Not all time is created equal, but there is a right time for everything…


 Toss the To-Do List

  • An unorganised To-Do list that keeps getting longer tends to inspire panic and overwhelm, rather than action.

  • With the incentive to “tick things off”, important and meaningful things inevitably get left until last.

  • No distinction is made between different types of task, even though wildly different energies are needed for each.


Embrace the Could-Do List!

  • Use a strategic system designed to best harness your inconsistent energy and motivation.

  • Organise your tasks by theme, and match your next priority to your current energy or emotional state.

  • Stop wasting time trying to crush through resistance.


I’m Imogen, and I have a vision for a new way of approaching productivity.

An approach in which every individual is so deeply connected to their own body’s sense of right timing, so well-fuelled, and their resources so consciously well spent, that they are absolutely unstoppable in their pursuit of a well-lived life.

As a Productivity and Leadership Mentor, I help people to break free from toxic, unsustainable and disempowering narratives about work and business to create success on their own terms. 

Learn more about me.